Video Installations: Oceans of Lead | TV Sex Box | Esther - Queen of the Swamp | Troubled Water | Is MiriNishri Still Around ? | The Last Transfer 3 |
Installations: Sand in my Bed | Breaking Water | Is this Baby Yours? | Erotic Nesting Boxes |
Drawings: Falling Angels | Coffee Set | Wooden Eyes | Water Powder |
Photography: Land in Labor | Stains | Esther | Cast Lead | On the Go |

Projects/ Press & Publications / CV / About / Links/ Contact
Selected publications

CV  | Contact Me|Ocean of Lead | TV Sex Box | Esther - Queen of the Swamp | Troubled Water | Is MiriNishri Still Around ? | The Last Transfer 3: MEHR LICHT |
Sand in my Bed | Breaking Water | | Is this Baby Yours? | Erotic Nesting Boxes | Falling Angels | Coffee Set | Wooden Eyes  | Water Powder | Land in Labor | Stains | Esther | Cast Lead | On the Go |
|web design|